How to Choose the Right Funeral Urns for Ashes


An urn is more than just an instrument for storing ashes. An urn holds great sentimental value for the ones who has lost a loved one in their lives. An urn holds the very last remains of a departed soul, so it is of pivotal importance that all factors and demands are met when buying an urn.

There are many ways one can use an urn. Some prefer to keep the cremation urns stored in their homes, sitting with other items on a mantle while others choose to immerse them in a river according to their passed down rituals or practices. Whatever be the case, choosing the right kind of urn to keep the cremains is important as it deals with a very sensitive issue.

An average to good quality of urn should cost around $50 to $100. But depending on your budget, you can buy highly decorative urns for display at the deceased person's services. Here is a list of different types of urns from which you can choose one that suits your choice.

1.       Standard Urn - A standard urn should have the capacity to hold anywhere between 150 to 250 cubic inches of cremated remains. The size of an adult urn usually varies depending on the age and body size of the deceased person.’

2.       Keepsake Urn - Keepsake urns are smaller in size and serve the purpose of keeping the ashed remains of children or pets. Many a times when family members want to keep a portion of their loved one’s remains with them, keepsake urns come in handy.

3.       Jewelry Urn - Jewelry urns are nothing other than cremation jewelry. Although cremation urns are very popular when it comes to storing the cremated ashes, cremation jewelry are also quite the top pick. For people who fancy a nice piece of jewelry on them and always want a part of their loved ones to be with them cap opt for this.
